Peter Feeney


Peter Feeney - Theatre

Peter Feeney


Back in 2005 when I produced MILO’S WAKE the stage play, my founding concept was that theatre should be high quality, accessible, cheaply priced, and presented in traditional meeting places – pubs, clubs and halls. I wanted to entice people who had never been near a theatre, as well as traditional theatre goers, to come and see a story that had relevance to the challenges and realities of contemporary life. I was much influenced in this philosophy by the lessons learnt by the unique geography of London’s Globe Theatre.

In rehearsal I strive to create an ensemble where the intelligence of the whole group is brought to the work, and the full contribution of each individual is respected and encouraged. I favour character work and trust process to produce great outcomes. I believe Sean O’Faolain’s contention, that stories can be guidebooks to living, communicating important ideas, thoughts and feelings that are useful in peoples’ lives. Such ideas can be read and taught – but have a powerful revelation as shared experience.

I have a vision for an annual theatre production in Auckland, called a Pop Up Winter Classic. It’s just in the ideas phase, but I’d love to see it happen. Watch this space!


Peter Feeney directed and performed in Ian Meadows play at the Herald Theatre in August of 2015.

Between Two Waves is a politically charged relationship drama set against a climate change backdrop.

Presented by Auckland Live and Passion PR.

“Performing as both an actor and director, Feeney succeeds admirably as the proud mentor, stalwart friend and the disappointed colleague as he watches his prime student unravel in a world that seems have done away with integrity. Extremely personable, his character strikes a remarkably genuine note that balances much of the see-saw shifts in the play “– Theatreview


by Michael and Margery Forde
Directed by Peter Feeney and Jim McLarty

A riotous night of emotion, song and laughter…
What every wake should be – a salute to life!
MILO’S WAKE is a powerful and moving story about a first-generation Irish immigrant family: a “drop dead comedy” about the fall and redemption of Milo O’Connor.
The play as written runs in uninterrupted real time in an Irish bar where the whiskey and Guinness flow freely, and guests are regaled with the music and songs of the pub’s resident band – The Wren Buoys.
In 2005 Feeney McSweeney staged an Auckland season of the award-winning play MILO’S WAKE in the Ponsonby Irish pub The Dog’s Bollix. The season was a great success. Close to 3000 people came to the play, which received extremely favourable reviews.
Feeney McSweeney mounted a national tour and return Auckland season of MILO’S WAKE in 2006. A total of 38 performances took in the centres of Auckland, Kerikeri, Hamilton, Awakeri, Timaru, Akaroa, Christchurch and Dunedin, and many thousands more people saw the show.
I’m now developing MILO’S WAKE as the TV series ‘The Sinkhole’ (see the Tinderbox Page).
Watch this space about other future seasons of this wonderful play.
“A rollicking production that wears its heart on its sleeve.”
NZ Herald 2005
“It’s funny, honest and moving, full of great music, sparkling repartee and terrific performances.”
NZ Listener 2006
“Feeney turns in a magnificent performance as the tortured soul who is Milo.”
Otago Daily Times
“An exuberant performance by Peter Feeney… a rewarding experience.”
Timaru Herald
“A wonderful, cleverly written and well-acted piece of New Zealand theatre.”
Waikato Times


written and Performed by Peter Feeney

A Night with Beau Tyler takes an entertaining swipe at the American self-help movement through the personal journey of guru Beau Tyler, as he travels down into the hollow centre of his personality, and bounces back again, stunned but unrepentant. Funny and thought provoking theatrical satire.

“I have not laughed so hard or for as long as I did last night.”

“Feeney’s parody of the self-help phenomenon was spot on,”

“5/5. Pants wettingly funny.”

“The Beau Tyler character, fallen guru, rising phoenix-like was a perfect balance of pathos with self-love and ultimately explained why the genre he is subverting works…”

“If laughter is indeed the best medicine, then A Night with Beau Tyler is efficacious therapy indeed.”