Blind Bitter Happiness Kickstarter Campaign

Blind Bitter Happiness Kickstarter Campaign

Peter is running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for postproduction on Episodes 2 and 3 of his TV show, Blind Bitter Happiness. There are some groovy rewards, including some really funky ones for actors. ‘What I loved about Blind Bitter Happiness was...


My new Studio is now up and running! Set in a leafy valley close to Castor Bay beach, this is the perfect haven for myself and my clients to do camera coaching and work through scripts, either live or via Skype. If I’m not acting or teaching this is where...
Our vision for theatre productions

Our vision for theatre productions

Back in 2005 when I produced MILO’S WAKE the stage play my founding concept was that our theatre productions would be high quality, accessible, cheaply priced, and presented in traditional meeting places – pubs, clubs and halls. I wanted to...
Five days in Bali-wood

Five days in Bali-wood

It was the arsenic hour – 8am, the wife at work, three kids running amok in various states of undress – when the phone rang. Stu, a producer at Curious Films, told me I’d just been cast in a TV commercial. I did a triple take, then remembered an old...

Cul de Sac Family Cast photo

I had to share this photo of me gorgeous screen family – we wrapped on this TV children’s series earlier this year. Roll on series...