Dec 22, 2014 | Acting

In July I chatted with Nights host on National Radio, Bryan Crump, about what it was like to live in Russia just after the fall of communism. That’s me, a hundred years ago (it feels) admiring the view of the Moscow River and the Kievskii Voksal (train station) from my apartment window. My God it was cold, AND rather alcoholic (what’s that in the coffee cup)? Anyway, here is the interview, which ran Tuesday 29 July.

Blind Bitter Happiness Kickstarter Campaign

Peter is running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for postproduction on Episodes 2 and 3 of his TV show, Blind Bitter Happiness. There are some groovy rewards, including some really funky ones for actors. ‘What I loved about Blind Bitter Happiness was...

Actors Lab Studio REBOOT

Hey all, my teaching now has a website all of it's own! In 2019 we  relaunched as a one stop acting school with our main focus on getting actors into screen work. We've added a dedicated Teen class (TWO in 2020), whose participants we treat with the same respect...

The Actors Lab Studio now has it’s own website!

  Check us out at There's been some big changes: in 2019 we relaunched as a one stop acting school with our sole focus on getting our actors into screen work. For the first time we’ve adding a dedicated Teen class. And we have a LOT more guest...


My new Studio is now up and running! Set in a leafy valley close to Castor Bay beach, this is the perfect haven for myself and my clients to do camera coaching and work through scripts, either live or via Skype. If I'm not acting or teaching this is where you'll find...